Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We Can Be Big Brother Now!!!

Now playing big brother isn't just for the government, big tobacco, prime time reality shows of the same name and this guy.......

We can do it too! All we need is a little help from this awesome new tool we learned about in class, NetVibes!

I had a very fun time trying to figure out what the heck I was doing on netvibes. I don't think that I can post my dashboard since it is password protected, but here is a great video about NetVibes that offered some interesting insight and helped me figure it out!

1 comment:

  1. I found it to be difficult to find any examples of companies using these technologies. I know that they do, but it is not something they would show to the public. I think that all of these monitoring technologies are interesting, and I would like to be familiar with using them. I mentioned in my post about TweetDeck, and how I thought it was user friendly. I didn't really look into netvibes. The video that you posted was helpful in figuring out how to use it. I also set-up a few Google alerts, and I am interested to see what it finds.
