Saturday, May 11, 2013


So as I am sure you are all ridiculously aware, this past Thursday was the LAST DAY OF CLASS!!!

And I am just as happy as the kid above if not more.

I feel like I have been in school for a million years and finally I am going going to graduate. It's been a long time coming and I so excited.

Anyway, just wanted to get that off of my chest.

Back to the group project....

We all met on Thursday and were feeling very confident about our individual parts.

Professor, I think that you will find that this next project will be a step up from the last project. Which I suppose wouldn't be that much since last time we did terrible. Ha Ha Ha. Just kidding.

Well, since the project is basically done at this point we convened for only a short period of time and went on our separate ways. 

Perfect ending for the last day of class!!!

Have a great summer!
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Meredith! I'm sure this semester has been life changing for the better. It’s great to know that you’ll be graduating next weekend. No more classes for you unless you’re attending graduate school. This is the beginning of a bright future that you have ahead and no more blogging unless it’s leisure. LOL. I am so relieved that this class is over because I can take a break from blogging. My group ran into another challenge on Thursday. Two group members has to switch parts in order to complete the goal. I hope that we come out on top for our final project.
